Friday, August 27, 2010


I have decided to get off my butt and go walking every morning.  I drop O off at Kindy and head out from there.  It is still crazy hot in Hiroshima with the average high this week being 37 degrees but there are a few good routes to walk either by the river, through the peace park or through the city.  Lets hope I stick to it!


  1. Hello! I have in front of me one of your bags that I purchased when I was still living in New Zealand and every time I look at it I can't helps smiling, remembering how many times I went into that little shop that was selling them to decide which one was the lucky one ( finally the shop filled the whole window shop with ur bags to make the choice easier :) I am back in the Northern emisphere, but every time I wear my bikkuri squirrel bag I always have many people asking me where s from, 'cos its so UNIQUE (also the shape) :)

  2. Thank you Jackie! What a kind post. My Etsy store is out of stock at the moment but if you ever need another bag (the little ones make great prezzies) just let me know. xx
