Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This one's for you E.  I know in my heart it will go well tomorrow but I am still freaking out!  Smooch.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I love these old ducks.  I wouldn't have picked them as lollypop fans. And why do they look so grumpy?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So spring has begun for friends and family in NZ and there is a chill in the air for friends in the US..  SO WHEN IS MY COOL WEATHER STARTING??  We are still having record highs of 35-37 degrees and it doesn't look to be letting up.  Is it too much to ask to want to wear a cardi?
I can't even remember the last time it rained..  I thought it was on its way when O and I spent the morning at the pool, but the clouds soon past.
Oh, and I found out from the doctor today that I have a bad form of tonsillitis that could turn into scarlet fever!  It is highly contagious which does not bode well for me working with children.  Oh dear.